Tag Archives: beginner

Garden Update!

Garden, airstream in background
Up until recently I was under the impression that since I couldn’t keep a house plant alive, I couldn’t grow a garden. But I’ve been proving myself wrong and this is the only time I’ve been happy to be wrong.

tomatoes!I started peppers, tomatoes, onions and brussel sprouts from seeds. I also planted sunflowers, squash, pumpkins and cucumbers straight into the dirt. About half of my plants sprouted! I don’t want to jinx it, but I consider that a success. This is my first time really growing anything, after all. The only thing that didn’t work from my seeds was the cucumbers. My sweet father-in-law felt bad for me so this past weekend he bought me a couple of cucumber plants to start.

Only one squash plant sprouted. I still consider that a success. But my sunflowers are really the star of my garden. They are looking beau-ti-ful. All but one of the sunflowers sprouted. And my tomatoes are growing so quickly. I love checking on them each morning. It seems like they grow inches overnight!

sprouts!I didn’t spend much money on this garden, but I am hopeful that it will produce and I’ll make my money back. Even if I don’t see a cornucopia of fresh veggies, I think the learning experience has been worth it. I’ll do a full cost breakdown at the end of the season and we’ll see if I’m in the red or the green (pun intended).

Did you plant a garden this year? How does your garden grow?! 🙂 Let me know in the comments!
