Tag Archives: minimal

The Minimalist Challenge: Days 8, 9, 10

minimalist challenge 8,9,10

After week one, it became harder to find things to get rid of for the Minimalist Challenge. I did find some weird random stuff that I could live without and some clothing that I didn’t really need. One of the hardest part of this challenge is living with someone who loves to keep stuff (ahem, my lovely husband, cough cough). You know, “in case we need it one day.” Newsflash: We never need it one day. I’ve mostly been getting rid of my stuff to sell, donate or trash, but it’s going to get really difficult when I get to Day 20. My lovely husband is going to have to part with some junk! (And he isn’t going to like it!)

8 from top going clockwise: Empty box of Scotch Brite (whyyyyyy?!), tank tops, almost empty greased lightening, water bottle, olive oil container, magnetic notebook, broken carabiner, 1/2 empty Shout (poured it into the other 1/2 empty bottle of Shout)

9: 9 articles of clothing

10 from top left: damaged paper plates, old knife, peanut butter, broken lid, 2 basting brushes, knife sharpener (already have one), 3 DVDs

How do you deal with a hoarder in the family? Let me know in the comments!



The Minimalist Challenge: Week 1

Minimalist Challenge Week 1Have you all heard of the minimalist challenge? Starting on day 1, you get rid of 1 thing, on day 2, 2 things, day 3, 3 things and so on. I learned about it from my fellow blogger, Anna Newell Jones from And Then We Saved. That girl is a financial rockstar.

I knew that the challenge would be extra hard for me since I got rid of a lot before I moved into the Airstream. But, the Airstream has been feeling a little cramped lately and I love a good purge.

This first week was easy, but it reminded me that I definitely need to clean out my medicine cabinet more often. I had medication stored in there that was 8 years old! How embarrassing!

Here’s what I got rid of (or plan to sell)

1. Old beach hat
2. 2 contact lens cases (Don’t need those anymore!)
3. Eye makeup tattoos and nail art wraps (A gift that was too weird for me) & a nail scrubbie
4. Library books (not actually getting rid of these, but I need to return them!)
5. Old medications (3), a small plastic bag and a linen bag
6. Old medications (6) and a glasses bag
7. Fake pair of glasses from Halloween, a cap to makeup I already used, a tank top I don’t wear, a flashlight case and rusty lids from canning jars (3)

Do you love a good purge like I do? Or does minimalism scare you (like it does my husband!)?

Talk to me in the comments!
