Tag Archives: photographs

Airstream Family Photos

Airstream Family PhotoThese pictures didn’t make it to Airstream week, but alas, here they are. Better late than never, I suppose. I’m working on that whole trying-not-to-be-a-perfectionist-thing and trying not beat myself up about it. Anyway, George and I decided to take a few family photos with our new dog, Bambi to use for various things. Maybe a new Christmas card?! And maybe for other blogs.

Airstream Family Photo 2

Airstream Family Photo Outtake

Also, can we talk about how hard it is to take a photo with a dog? Bambi hated it. I’m surprised we even got one usable picture. Even though it’s not perfect, I still love the photo above.

Melanie and George 2 George Melanie Melanie and George

Annoyingly happy Christmas cards, here we come!
